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How to Enable SCN Coding Menu in Launch X431 PAD V/VII?


Here is the useful guide to configure the online SCN coding function in Launch X431 PAD V or PAD VII when SCN coding menu is missing.

Before configuration

After configuration

Enable SCN Coding Menu:
Go to Others- Device- File Management – cnlaunch – X431PADV (or X431PADVII) – assets – StdCfg.ini file

Open StdCfg.ini file in txt format
Edit the txt, search for OnlineFlash and Flash lines, the default value is set to 0 which means current diagnostic software without online programming function. Change OnlineFlash and Flash value to 1 (OnlineFlash1 and Flash1), then save.

The SCN coding function is enabled.

X431 PAD V/PAD VII online programming is restricted in North American . The guide above does work in other regions. Overseas SCN coding menu won’t display on Home page, the menu can be found on corresponding diagnosis interfaces.